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General Information on Proposals
How can I check the status of my proposal (whether it has been submitted, endorsed etc)?
Login into the portal and click on the menu items under the proposal menu
How can I amend the proposal after I have submitted it?
If your Director of Research has not endorsed the proposal, you can request that he/she or your Office of Research (ORE) to route it back to you for amendments.
If the proposal has been endorsed, you can email the program manager for the grant call (which can be found in the page with the grant call details) to route the proposal back to you. However, this can only be done after the grant call is closed. Only limited amendments can be made at this stage, viz. amendments to budget, amended attachments and a text box to indicate what the amendments are.
IGMS allows edit of draft and when proposal is in Pending Resubmission Status
Why can't I access the link to edit/amend my proposal anymore?
The deadline for the grant call or the time allowed to amend the proposal could have passed. Please contact your Director of Research to see if the deadline can be extended.
How do I withdraw a submitted proposal?
If your Director of Research has not endorsed the proposal, you can request that he/she not endorse the proposal. If the proposal has been endorsed, you can email the program manager for the grant call (which can be found in the page with the grant call details) to withdraw the proposal.
Withdrawal is only possible in in Pending ORE Verification and Pending Resubmission status. Click on the View Current Proposal submissions, Click on the proposal ID to open up the proposal overview page, actions and withdraw proposal
Last Updated on:
25/10/2017 12:44 PM